Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hey Everyone!
Wyoming is SO BEAUTIFUL! I have been here a week so far and it has been pretty good! I am getting a little homesick but its life! The fire has grown almost 5,000 or so acres a night but the Last couple nights it has stayed the same. The firefighters are not fighting the fire because of all the rocks and stuff so they are watching it. The fire has had helicopters fly right over our heads. And we can actually see the fire from where camp is.
The best part was the ride over here. It took us a long time but we went through Yellowstone Park and got to see a 7 point elk. When we got out of the park we could see our fire. It was night time so it looked like a bung of house lights in little cottage in the mountains. We stayed the night at a REALLY nice hotel and headed to camp the next day. We are pulling 12 to 13 hours a day which is way better than last time.
I don’t get cell phone service where we are but I have access to the computer. It storms here at night so I can only get on sometimes. I am headed off to breakfast but PLEASE keep praying for all of us and THANK YOU for the prayers and emails that have been received. Have a great day! Love you and miss you all.

Love, Kyra

Monday, August 4, 2008


Kyra left Saturday for Wyoming. She will be gone for over a month, probably til the middle of September. Please pray for her. She doesn't have cell phone service where she is or internet. But when they get a chance to drive out, she will and check her messages. So please email her and let her know you are praying.

If you go to and click on fire info and then map, she is working the kitchen crew for #24 Gunbarrel fire. Then if you go to go to page 4 and she is in the Rocky Mountain Area and read about the Gunbarrel fire.

Thank you!
Her momma misses her!