Saturday, July 11, 2009

~* SuMmEr *~

Summer Break? What's that?

That's what I want to know. Once you are out of school there is NO summer break. You hit reality and that is work work work and sleep :)
Now that I have a job, there is no summer breaks, but I think I have got use to it for the most part.
This summer has been pretty fun even though I do work. I have been able to make time for some fun thing. Starting at baseball to rodeo to utah, I have had a great summer so far.

Brandon started summer baseball right after school ended. Being on a Older team kinda scared me. He did really good being the youngestt. He learned alot and now takes after his Bestest Aunt Kyra. They may not have won every game, but his team became stronger towards the end. It was great to watch him play again.

***~*** PUPPIES***~***
My Pure bread great Perenese Dog Kenzie Had PUPPIES
She had nine to begin with on June 4th, 2009
by the time everything was said and done she has seven left. Now they are the cutest puppies ever. They are great Perenese and a whodoneit. Which we think is a yellow lab. These puppies were not expected, but Kenzie did a great job for her first litter. We have six puppies left and I Think you guys need one :D If you want one just contact me. I love them

***~*** UTAH ***~***
The day after my puppies were born, I headed on a road trip to Utah with Lukey poo
We took off after work/school and drove down to Utah to see our friend Jessi. Jessi graduated this year so We decided to go see her. It was a blast. It was only a weekend, but we went golfing, bowling, swimming, and much much more. It was so great to see her and the parents. Her dad and mom did a great job at cooking us meals :) Cant wait to go back down and spend more time with them all.

***~*** RODEOS ***~***

Well I love rodeos Now that brandon is steer riding I get to go alot more.
This year so far we have gone to Eagles, Nyssa, and Vale. He has not rode the eight seconds yet but he gets better every time. Eagle Rodeo it ran all but the last ten mins of the rodeo. Our Butts were Wet and I was Cranky :D. I won two free tickets to the Rocky Mt. Oyster feed so we went there and got THREE plates FULL of oysters. MMMM were they good. But man dont
The Next rodeo was Nyssa where the rode buffaloos which were pretty kool. Our Latest one was vale. I love this rodeo because its so local and the Hotdogs are cheap :)
My heao ( my dad) Always goes and helps brandon get ready. he is such a good Grandpa. :) I love rodeos and Can't wait to see brandon ride in more this year.

See so far my summer has been pretty great but I know even with work I will make so much more memories and will have to post them :) I hope your summer is as good as mine :D

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My new year!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

What a great year it has been so far. To start everything off I want to say I LOVE GOD. I have been trying hard to love and obey God. I have been meeting with my Pastor and been going through a 8 week lesson plan. Right now I am focused on being strong and courageous trying my hardest to live for God. I have been struggling to figure out what and where God wants me to go next.
School has been a HUGE subject on my mind. I have finally decided that I want to go to college for Elementary Education. I love kids and would love to work around them. I remember going to school having a bad day and my teacher was always there to help you smile! I want to be that teacher. I have applied to Subsititue teach at Notus and apllying for Greenleaf. I know this would help me alot if I could go and get the teaching degree.
I have been looking at different schools and trying to figure out how I could pay for it and what all I need to get done. Wh do they make schools so hard to aplly for? :D CSI is the main school on my mind right now, but that could change anytime. But I know that God will make it possible and lead me the right way.
Along with school, I have been thinking big on a mission trip that my Church is going on. In Feb of 2010, My church will head to Cusco Peru. I would love to go and praying I can, but alot has to happen. Missing school for two weeks is pretty much impossible. I know that this trip is a once in a life time trip, but I REALLY want to get schooling started with so I can acheive something :) It's going to take alot of prayers and mind changing, but I know everything will work out of the best.
On with life. I have offically started painting my room. John Deere Green and Yellow are the chosen colors. :D It looks so good so far. I will have a barn (my red bed) where I will lay to rest. my green walls and doors have been fun to paint and the yellow walls and nobs have been a blast. I learned that a Cell phone works after being dropped in the paint, so if this happens to you, take time to get your caamera. Take a picture of the blonde moment. hehe My arms and legs have been yellow and green this week and my hands are dyed green. I am at a stand still right now trying to figure out how to take off wall paper. Then I will finish my room and head on to Brandon's.
This month has been great and I hope that is a start to a new begining. :D