Thursday, January 22, 2009

My new year!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

What a great year it has been so far. To start everything off I want to say I LOVE GOD. I have been trying hard to love and obey God. I have been meeting with my Pastor and been going through a 8 week lesson plan. Right now I am focused on being strong and courageous trying my hardest to live for God. I have been struggling to figure out what and where God wants me to go next.
School has been a HUGE subject on my mind. I have finally decided that I want to go to college for Elementary Education. I love kids and would love to work around them. I remember going to school having a bad day and my teacher was always there to help you smile! I want to be that teacher. I have applied to Subsititue teach at Notus and apllying for Greenleaf. I know this would help me alot if I could go and get the teaching degree.
I have been looking at different schools and trying to figure out how I could pay for it and what all I need to get done. Wh do they make schools so hard to aplly for? :D CSI is the main school on my mind right now, but that could change anytime. But I know that God will make it possible and lead me the right way.
Along with school, I have been thinking big on a mission trip that my Church is going on. In Feb of 2010, My church will head to Cusco Peru. I would love to go and praying I can, but alot has to happen. Missing school for two weeks is pretty much impossible. I know that this trip is a once in a life time trip, but I REALLY want to get schooling started with so I can acheive something :) It's going to take alot of prayers and mind changing, but I know everything will work out of the best.
On with life. I have offically started painting my room. John Deere Green and Yellow are the chosen colors. :D It looks so good so far. I will have a barn (my red bed) where I will lay to rest. my green walls and doors have been fun to paint and the yellow walls and nobs have been a blast. I learned that a Cell phone works after being dropped in the paint, so if this happens to you, take time to get your caamera. Take a picture of the blonde moment. hehe My arms and legs have been yellow and green this week and my hands are dyed green. I am at a stand still right now trying to figure out how to take off wall paper. Then I will finish my room and head on to Brandon's.
This month has been great and I hope that is a start to a new begining. :D