Sunday, November 2, 2008

***~My Best Budds~***

Samantha Pemberton, Jessica Ryan, Jessi Berline, and Kyra Patrick

My Friends are the best. We all are so different, but we all fit together and help equal eachother out.

I suprised Jessica at the airport before she left to Argentina

The end of my freshmen year I was ready to give up school. I felt that everyone was stuck on themselfs and I hated everyone. That summer we then moved to Mt. View Naz. where Jessica's dad was the pastor. I never got to know her till the end of the summer when we went to go load buses for Lagoon. She then informed me that she was going to Greenleaf for school. I was a little nervous at first but I knew I had to try and make it work. I was very quite on the trip, but I got to know Jessica a lot more. First week came around and we asked to be roomed together. Ever since then Jessica and I have been great budds. We stuck together through everything. We had our fights and our fun times that brought us closer together. Our Junior year Jessica became Vice Prez of our class and I was the Prez. The stress of that made times hell but we would yell at eachother and then be okay. The stress was soooo bad that we decided to DO IT AGAIN our senior year. Senior trip on the line that year made it stressful But our friendship is still strong. I love Jessica and I do Thank God for her. Me and my mom always say God sent jessica to me. He knew I needed a friend like her. I love you jess!!!

Samantha and I on our cruise

Our Sophmore year we started hanging out with Samantha Pemberton alot more! Sam and I were friends back in the gradeschool days but as we grew up, we grew apart. Our friendship reconnected and grew closer and closer. Sam is a very sarcastic type and brings us laughter all the time. Sam's house saved us a lot of tummy aches. We always went and had lunch there. :) Sam has been a great friend. I actually got a hug from her this past weekend! Sam was always there when Jessica and I needed help at a fundraiser or something. I love Sam very dearly and Glad God Brought her to me! :)

Jessi and I on our way to Seattle

Our senior year, The three of us started haning out more with Jessi Berlin. Jessi is more of the Style type. She is a very quite type but we could always get her to let loose. Jessi always suprised me with words and actions. You would never have thought her to be that type of person hehe. Jessi brought great joy to the softball team my senior year. She wasn't to sure she wanted to do it but of course she was a good sport and it was great. I love Jessi and her smile has brought great joy. God made her a great person.

These three girls have been a blessing to my life. When I was in sports, they came and supported me. When they had Plays, I would go and cheer them on. Senior year brought us Together and senior year is a memory we will never forget,

As they all went off to college we see less of eachother and we talk alot less. This has been a hard thing I have to deal with everyday but I do thank God for the Friendship we built. I Pray that this Friendship will never go away. Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the cornor and we will get to reunit again. I cant wait for that. I love you Girls and you are always in My Prayers!

My Best Budds!!!